The Uterus: aka just another body part.
I could have called this blog: hip pain, groin pain, lower back pain, leg weakness, bladder disfunction/restrictions or pelvic floor restriction. All of these can be caused by the uterus, or more specifically, a tight ligament of the uterus. As a society we like to ignore the uterus...therefore it starts yelling!
There are many causes that can stress these ligaments: running, cycling, pregnancy and caesarean are just a few of the main causes of uterine stress.
Here is a great drawing from Netter showing you the ligaments coming off of the uterus. The two superior ligaments are the round ligament and the (proper) ligament of the ovary, which are just inferior to the fallopian tubes. The three lower ligaments are the Uterosacral, Cardinal and Pubocervical ligaments, which respectfully attach the uterus to the back (sacrum), the sides (ilium) and the front (pubic symphysis). There is also the broad ligament which looks like it's name describes, it is broad and envelops the whole of the uterus and connects it to the surrounding internal structures.
The uterus looks a like a sunshine- it has branches going out in every direction securing it well in the pelvis.
The restrictions
The round ligament
The round ligament lengthens the most during pregnancy. The ligaments pull and tug on nearby nerve fibers and sensitive structures, usually causing pain and discomfort after the first trimester. The ligament will regain its normal length after childbearing. If any pain is still present, consult a doctor and see a trained practitioner in visceral manipulation.
Uterosacral ligament, Cardinal ligament and Pubocervical ligament
Uteroscral dysfunction can present as mild back pain or sacroiliac joint pain; sometimes it's the hidden cause as to why the SI joint pain is not subsiding. The Cardinal ligament will rotate the uterus and show up as an ilium (hip) dysfunction or stiffness, the leg might feel weak. As for the Pubocervical ligament, it will restrict the movement of the bladder and can appear to be adductor pain; it could also complicate a case of Osteitis pubic.
The body is not complicated; we just sometimes don't read it appropriately. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We are trained visceral manipulation practitioners who can assess and identify the root cause of your problem, this is what we do best!
Prevent. Perform. Recover
Equinox Health Clinic