
Now in Smithers

Ukee and I are in Smithers

A few of you have asked me to resend my list of recommended practitioners in the Victoria area. Take into consideration that many of the massage therapists are not accepting new clients. That being said they may be able to provide recommendations of their own for other phenomenal practitioners.

Equinox is Moving North

Darrelle will continue to practice massage therapy in Victoria and is currently looking for a new clinic space. She will keep you updated of her plans as they emerge. Please contact her if you have any questions at:

Lysanne (owner- Equinox Health Clinic) and Ukee Dog are moving to Smithers BC at the end of May 2022. 

Sleep, are you a Morning or Evening person?

"Our bodies have an internal clock, called the circadian rhythm, that tells us when it is the best time for us to sleep, wake up, eat, do exercise, learn and a number of other things. Not everyone’s body clock is the same. Some people feel their best in the morning, while other people feel their best at night. Some people can go to sleep easily early in the evening, while other people have trouble going to sleep before midnight.